Wednesday, June 3, 2015

5 Tools to Plan and Post Social Media Content

1. Excel and Google Docs
  a) Free Editorial Calender Template
  b) The Marketing game changer kit (Template)
  c) PDF from colourvale (Printable Templates)
2. HootSuite
3. Coschedule
4. Trello

1. Divvy
2. CoSchedule
3. GatherContent


1. Excel and Google Docs: 5 Essential Spreadsheets for Social Media Analytics are:
                                              (i) Fetch Twitter Search Results
                                              (ii) Count Facebook Likes and Shares
                                             (iii) Compare Facebook Pages
                                             (iv) Monitor Social Media Reputation
                                              (v) Extract and Archive Your Followers


6 Social Media Templates to Save You Hours of Work:
1) Social Media Strategy Template
2) Social Media Audit Template
3) Editorial Calendar Template
4) Social Media Content Calendar
5) Bulk Upload Template 
6) Social Profile Image Sizes

Why Should You Use Social Media Templates:
♦♦♦The social media strategy template teaches you how to:
♦Clarify your business’ social media goals
Audit your current social media status
Create or improve your social media profiles
Develop your content strategy
Use analytics to track progress and adjust your strategy as needed

The template is comprised of six steps that will take you through your audit from start to finish:
Creating a spreadsheet of your social profiles
Finding other accounts that may be representing you or your brand
Creating a mission statement for each profile
Ensuring accounts are on brand
Centralizing ownership of passwords
Creating a process for how new channels will be established moving forward

Your editorial calendar should include simple information about each of these projects:
Title or description of the content
Links to supporting documents, like content briefs
Author or writer
Channels you will promote it on 

For using HootSuite for Bulk Email sending you need to create a .csv file of all the social messages you’d like to upload, placed in a specific format:
Column 1: Date and time. The accepted DATE format is: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm or dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm. Be sure to identify which format you are using when uploading your file. Times must be set in the future (at least 10 minutes from upload time) and should end in either a 5 or a 0, i.e. 10:45 or 10:50.
Column 2: Your message. For Twitter there is a limit of 140 characters, including the URL (which reserves at most 23 characters)
Column 3: URL (optional): The full URL you want to include in your message

♦Use Optimal Templates for the cover image for:
♦ Facebook
♦ Twitter
♦ LinkedIn Profiles
♦ LinkedIn Company Pages
♦ Google+
♦ Instagram